- GTK+ collage
gollage is a
collage creation software written in C and GTK+2. It uses ImageMagick
for the image handling.
<| Project
Page | Status | Using | Requirements | Installation | Prebuild packages | Screenshots | ToDo | Known
issues |
| >
December 2nd, 2008
- version 0.3
- one new features:
- #1900939 Overlapping image preference: now you
can specify the spreading of the frames
- better error handling
- the final collage looks now better than the old version 0.2
because of better placement of each frame and the ability to choose how the frames should be placed
- Nevertheless there is one small issue with the memory
usage, this
will be fixed in the next version. Also there will be a new GUI and a
change of image handling, I think about it to use cairo in further
versions to render the collage, I hope this will improve the speed of
rendering. So, expect some updates and a better GUI in the near future.
December 9th, 2007
- version
- fixed
two bugs:
- #1845186
No photos in photo frame
- #1845182
Black rectangle around photo frame (cover the other frames)
- two new features:
- #1845160 Random sizes of polaroid frames on the final
- #1845149 Final image transparent background
November 27th, 2007
- first public
release, version 0.1
The current release
is a beta release, but it is stable. It is ready for daily usage, no
crashes appears in the tests. No data loss or something similar
happens. Nevertheless there can be bugs (especially the memory usage), so be warned.
The usage is very
simple. Just
start gollage, select some photos from the "Photo" tab. You can select
multiple files in the file dialog. After selecting the photos, switch
to the "Settings" and set the few settings. If you have more than 36 photos
then choose "Whole image" or "Random" as spreading. If there are less
than 36 photos then choose "Random", "Middle area" or "Center". This is
just a recommendation from my side, you can select the spreading as you
want. After setting it, just
click "Render". After a while, the preview window will appear, there
you have the option to save the image (it will automatically save the
image as PNG) or to recompute a new alignment. OtherwiseIf you want to change
background color or other settigns after rendering, click "Cancel",
change the color or the specific setting and click "Render" again. It
will now render a new image.
You will need:
- GTK+2 >= 2.12.0
- ImageMagick
- libglade
Download the package from a sourceforge.net-mirror, extract the
archive, change to the newly created directory (usually gollage-x.x)
make install (
as root)
Start gollage with gollage.
Here are some
screenshots of gollage. The first shows the main window to adjust the
settings, the second screenshot shows the preview window with a
generated collage. The third is a real output of gollage.

This is a random
summary of things, that I want to implement in further versions:
- support for other frames, not just polaroid frames
- decrease memory usage
- better gui
Known issues
- a lot of memory usage, if too many photos were selected